Feeling stuck on what to post on Instagram? Here’s a quick fix!

If you feel overwhelmed and like you can’t catch up on your business Instagram, you’ve come to the write place.

First of all, you’re not alone.

Even Instagram-savvy business owners or social media agency owners themselves feel stuck when it comes to creating and planning their Instagram posts from time to time, so chin up!

Here’s the thing…

There are 3 major reasons that will make people fall off the wagon when it comes to consistently posting on their business Instagram:

1) creator's block: when you feel uninspired and don't know what to post 
2) things get busy in other parts of your business and life
3) when you're discouraged because of poor performance of past posts

And usually more than one of these are happening at once.

But I want to help you fix it, because like I always say,

Feeling stuck on what to post on Instagram? Here’s a quick fix!

I repeat: one bad post won’t hurt your Instagram account. Stop posting because you want the perfect post on the other hand, will.

So here’s an easy plan anyone can follow to get unstuck, caught up and move forward:

You will plan 4 posts-

1) your favorite picture of yourself introducing yourself and your business —we need to do these every so often. If you need extra help, here’s a plug and play caption you can use!

2) one of your top 3 most liked photos with a different caption,

3) one of your most commented posts with same photo and caption,

4) a throw back post of your biggest accomplishment in your biz so far or the moment things clicked for you. Tell people about it (and no, no need to do it on a Thursday or call it throw back anything.

Plan two of these per week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am (just because I want to remove the guessing game for you on time to post as well!).

Then you will have a 15-day break to breath and create new content.

Make sure you schedule an hour and a half on your calendar to do this (you may have time left, so use it to get a snack or take a walk around the block!).



PS: if you like this post, you should also check out:

Instagram Makeover: How to Spice Up Your Instagram Feed to Get More Engagement and Lose Less Followers


There’s no right thing to post right now…


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