How I Made Over $1k in Sales with a Single Instagram Post

How I Made Over $1k in Sales with a Single Instagram Post

Let me just start with this…

If you want your Instagram posts to sell, your post needs to make people stop the scroll!

Otherwise they will not read your caption with your offer that may be just what they need and want to spend money on.

And that would suck.

What I often find as I observe businesses using Instagram, is that most focus on their marketing calendars and forget to take into consideration the people on the other side.

What are they doing? How are they feeling? How do they interact with your content?

So let’s think about what they are doing the very moment your aesthetically pleasing photo shows up on their Instagram feed.

The answer is this…

People on Instagram scans the feed fast for something that stands out

They are going fast.

They are scrolling through that feed very fast, scanning for something that stands out.

If we were in 2016, a beautiful photo in a sea of not so beautiful photos would do the job and make them to stop.

In 2020, the sea -a vast and deep sea with way more than 1B accounts- is actually a sea of aesthetically pleasing photos and yours will not always stand out.

But there are a few types of content that do this job, every time.

The best one, in my opinion is a MEME.

The trend started a couple of years ago when Meme Instagram accounts got very popular and businesses started adopting the style.

There are two advantages to memes:

  1. They are easy to recognize, visually. So people can spot them in their scroll, even if at Forrest Gump’s speed.

  2. After they recognize it, they stop because it’s a familiar format. They know something entertaining, fun, witty and sharable is coming their way.

And before you tell me memes don’t go with your type of brand or aesthetic, let me stop you right there, because memes have a place in cool and slick accounts like The Social Media CEO’s and even accounts that are part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, like TSA’s.

social media ceo meme
tsa meme

Now after people stop the scroll and look at your meme post, whether you get good engagement with your meme post or not will depend on how good the meme is, if it makes sense the way it’s presented and if it’s relatable to your audience.

BUT when it does, it’s a big hit!

This meme I created last month, for example, had 29 website clicks that turned into 16 ticket sales — $1,120 in sales from a single Instagram post.

Had I used a photo of myself or my office to sell my class, people would have not stopped the scroll or read my caption to find out I had an offer they were interested in.

In other words…

A post that doesn’t make people stop the scroll = zero dollars

If your sales goals are different than that and you want to use Instagram to sell, you should learn how to create and use memes for your brand.

Join our membership by tomorrow at midnight ET to have access to this live online class that happens on Wednesday.

Our membership is only $37/month and you can cancel anytime (but you will not going to want to!)

You get a monthly class, access to past classes —even the ones that happened before you were a member and unlimited support.

Get all the details here and JUMP ON IT before it closes again and then you have to wait until fall!

Hope to see you in the members group and help you adding memes to your account —amongst many other things!




Feeling stuck on what to post on Instagram? Here’s a quick fix!


Instagram Makeover: How to Spice Up Your Instagram Feed to Get More Engagement and Lose Less Followers