There’s no right thing to post right now…

Hi everyone,

This is a newsletter I sent out this morning—

Before you read further, know that this is not about the important topic, which is justice and equality for our black community -- where all our energy should be right now.

This is about a less important topic that has been on your minds, which is how to act on social media - right now.

First let's talk about how we are engaging with others...

Whose actions would you rather praise?

Someone who posted a graphic saying they're muted for the week or someone who does pro bono work to help people of color grow their income behind the scenes?

Someone who has a nice speech on Instagram stories or someone who actually shows up to vote them out?

We talk so much about not thinking people have perfect lives because their grids are perfect. The same applies here. Just because their speech is "correct", doesn't mean that reflects what they do at home and vice versa, so don't be so quick to judge either way.

Yesterday I saw a post from an account I like and the first sentence didn't sit well with me. It was in my eyes diminishing the effort of people who posted some well-designed quote about inequality and telling what they thought was the right thing to do instead.

My comment was diminishing their effort and telling them what I thought was it was the right thing to do instead.

Funny how that works, right?

I looked inward and learned a little today as well.

So here's a simple piece of advice, if I may:

  • When you go comment on other accounts who are trying to do their best, encourage them. 

  • In fact, if that's the first time they ever speak up, encourage them even more.

  • If you see an angry comment from a person of color right now, don't tell them not to be angry. Accept they have the right to be angry even if they are aiming at the wrong target there.

I usually don't encourage people to just leave hearts to each other in comments, but it's not a bad thing to do now. 

As for what or whether to post...

I always know what's the right thing to post. When the pandemic hit, I sent out a guide of dos and don'ts of social media during crisis before quarantine even started. 

But now it's different and I have no idea of what's the right thing to say. 

In fact, I am convinced there's no right thing, because the world is not right. 

This weekend I did a Black Lives Matter post after seeing Killer Mike's speech.
Today I did a 'tone deaf' post that was planned for a long time (and tied to a contract I signed) and I also did a "helpful" post later.

I used quotes because what is tone deaf and helpful right now is relative.

Two pieces of feedback I got today from two women of color were the polar opposite:

One said doing a promotional post for my business was insensitive 

and the other one said thank you so much for going forward with this promotion because this will be a game changer to get my business off the ground. 

I spent all day thinking, there' s no way to do the right thing. No matter what you do it's wrong. But now I am thinking we all spent all day thinking about what to say, how to help, and that alone is the right thing.

As for my plan for the rest of the week, I don't have one. You don't have to have one yet either.

If there’s anything I can do, please DM me on Instagram or email me at


how to be an ally on social media

PS: one thing I did plan was a live with the wonderful Danielle Coke (@ohhappydani) to talk about how to be an ally on social media. use this calendar link to join us next Monday at 12pm ET.

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Feeling stuck on what to post on Instagram? Here’s a quick fix!