How to create the Wes Anderson Trend on Instagram Reels and TikTok (step-by-step tutorial)

I am obsessed with this new Wes Anderson trend, which is on TikTok and Reels.

So I made my own version and so many people loved it and asked for help making theirs.

And you know when you guys ask me, I deliver!

So I am sharing step-by-step instructions, video ideas to create your Reel with this trend, the exact lengths for each clip, and so much more, so keep scrolling…


  1. Record one short video for each scene. We have a list of Wes Anderson-style video ideas for you to pick from below. Keep your videos short! The longest one you will need is 5 seconds, so record up to 10 seconds for each scene to save time and not have to handle large video files.

  2. Upload videos to your editing software of choice. I recommend CapCut, inShot or Canva. If you want to use Canva, we already got it started for you and created and timed the text as well to the beat of the song.

    Click here to get the timing template for Canva that we sent to our email subscribers (direct link, no email signup required)

  3. Add videos you want to use and trim to correct lengths:

    CLIP 1 - 5 SECONDS (this is your title video)

    CLIP 2 - 4.5 SECONDS (most people are using a plain color background for this and adding the text over it)

    CLIP 3 - 1 SECOND

    CLIP 4 - 1.3 SECONDS

    CLIP 5 - 1 SECOND

    CLIP 5 - 2.4 SECONDS

    CLIP 6 - 1.4 SECONDS

    CLIP 7 - 1.9 SECONDS

    CLIPS 8-12 - 1.4 SECONDS

  4. Add your text. Pro tip: yellow text in bold fonts is a Wes Anderson staple

  5. Use this audio for the Wes Anderson trend on Instagram and this is the sound for this trend on TikTok

  6. Use this Instagram Effect for color and filter to look like a Wes Anderson movie. I love this filter and didn’t find a similar one that I liked on TikTok, so I applied the filter on Instagram when creating my Reel and saved the video with the filter to post on TikTok.

  7. Thank @yoursocialteam for the tutorial when you post on IG and TikTok (wink, wink)


I created a timing template in Canva with the ideas of what to shot for each scene and how long.

Make sure you follow the timing for the first and second clips. The second clip can also be a plain color background with the yellow text over it.

The timing for the rest of the clips doesn’t need to be exactly like these. But I prefer them to have different lengths for a more organic flow.



The good news is that Wes Anderson is minimalistic in camera movements and such, so this will make shooting this a little less challenging. For example when shooting a building or your desk, you don’t need to move the camera. In fact I recommend a tripod for the whole shoot.

He is known for straight angles and symmetry. So place yourself and any objects right in the center of the shot, place all props and object neatly, hold your coffee cup at a straight angle.

He is also known for a fall-like color pallette and vintage things. So if you have any clothes or props laying around, it’s time to get them out. Thing yellow, orange, rust-color, browns, teal. But of course if your brand is like mine and doesn’t include most of these colors, you can use your own and the filter will bring in the vibe.

Another signature shot is to shoot the same thing wider and tighter.

Like I did with this sign:


  • Exterior of any house or building (if brick or vintage in anyway, even better).

  • Video of yourself walking from left to right of the screen (put your phone on a tripod and start from outside the frame and walk across it)

  • Video of yourself drinking coffee or tea

  • Video of yourself holding a phone in front of your face in the mirror

  • Video of yourself straightening out a picture on the wall, mug on the table, a notepad, a mouse or any object in your office or house

  • Your hand turning on a light switch, ringing a bell, dropping a block of sugar on a teacup, turning on a coffee machine, watering a plant

  • Video of yourself sitting on a chair facing the camera with a book opened right in front of your face

  • A video of your shoes seem from above

  • Bonus points: if you have a polaroid or binoculars, make sure to make a video of yourself bringing it to your eyes

This trend is more time consuming than your average trend, but it’s a fun way to exercise your creative muscle, improve your shooting and editing skills and add something special to your feed. Mine certainly got more engagement than my average Reels and it hasn’t even been a full day yet.

While I always recommend you don’t spend all your time on Instagram, it’s okay to put in some extra time here and there to create something special.

Have fun!

If you love this, we have a lot more on Instagram @yoursocialteam!



5 FREE Canva Reels Templates

Now that your link is optimized, let’s work on that Instagram content!

Get your hands on 5 FREE Canva templates to help you create Instagram Reels for your small business!!


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


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