
I pledge to be an ally to the black community.

I pledge to start by looking inwards and start in my own home, heart and actions.

I pledge to speak out when I hear implicit bias and micro-aggressions.

I pledge to be kind and constructive when I see non-blacks try to do what’s right and miss the mark.

I pledge to have more diversity in my social media and marketing and those of my clients.

I pledge to do a better job promoting and buying from black-owned businesses.

I pledge to hold my clients and audience to higher standards to the best of my ability by being upfront about my own values as it comes to diversity and equality.

I pledge to pass on or terminate clients if their values don’t align.

I invite people to keep me accountable.

Enough is enough.

Black Lives Matter.


Should I archive Instagram posts that don’t perform well?


There’s no right thing to post right now…