How to use Instagram’s newest feature: Instagram Guides

Instagram is in X games mode and just released another major feature: Instagram Guides.

Guides allow us to share tips, top picks and resources with our audiences, which can be an amazing new way to add value!

The best part? Unlike other features (*coughs*, Reels!), Guides are actually super easy to put together!

Instagram Guides were already being tested in select accounts for a while, but are now available to everyone --which never really means everyone, as Instagram is always testing. So you may not have it yet and that's normal.

Here’s how to create them:

You go to the top left ( + ) sign in your profile, select Guide and you will be able to pick posts, products or locations to add to your guide.


All you have to do is type a title for each item, a brief description and post (or save to drafts if you want to keep editing later).


To add a post to guide, it needs to either be in your profile or your saved posts, so I think we will see a uptick in saves in the near future!

Guides are not in the scroll or with latest posts currently hidden from hashtags, the only way to make your audience see your guides is to share them to stories.

But since in Guides you have a chance to mention several other accounts, the chances of getting shared by these accounts are also high, which could be a great strategy to grow your audience.

Especially while they are new and not many accounts are using them. Just another reason to jump into it ASAP.

So get on it!


PS: Keep an out out for our next blog post. We will give you a list of Guide ideas for many different industries!

PS: You may be interested in this blog post: Tricks to get more engagement on Instagram by industry experts.


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