How to Add Slides, Photos and Videos to Your Instagram Lives

If you know me, you know I have always LOVED a good Instagram live. 

👉It's the easiest content you can possibly create for IG, 
👉It creates a very strong bond with your audience, and
👉It makes Instagram send out a special notification to your audience 
(so even if they don't join, they will think of you!)

And it's just got better because Instagram recently added a feature that allows you to share slides, photos or videos to your live broadcast!

How to Add Slides, Photos and Videos to Your Instagram Lives
How to Add Slides, Photos and Videos to Your Instagram Lives 2

 How to use it (it's very easy!) 

👉 Pre-produce story sized images or vertical videos that you want to share and save to your camera roll on your phone. 

👉 Start your live and you will see the little camera roll square in the bottom right (next to the smily face that allows you to add face filters)

👉 Select the image you want to start with and you will see it in your live

👉 Click on different images or video each time you want to change them

In this example, I created the pink slide you see as a title for my live and 5 more with different tips that I showed while I explained them and answered questions. 

This is great to use for:

  • A virtual sale where you can talk through your products while you show them on a better light than our basements where we work right now

  • Tutorials, so you have slides (just make them few and very bold like mine)

  • Cooking videos, you can have the recipe steps in images for screenshots

The sky is the limit you guys!

 Pro tips 

👉 Keep your content in the middle since in the bottom there will be people's comments over it and on the tp right will the window with your live camera. For photos you want to share, you can create a frame to position them ideally.

👉 Have them saved in your camera roll in the order you want to share them. That will make it easier for you to go through the presentation.

👉 If you're on a live with a guest, the image you share will only be in your half of the screen, so it will be in a square and may not show the whole image.


If you think Instagram can't impact your business, think again!


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