This is what Instagram Superposts™ Can Do For Your Business…

Seriously, if you think Instagram is just nice to have and can't really impact your business, let me tell you a little story.

With one of my Superposts™, that was shared more than 1,100 times, I gained 197 targeted followers and around 400 subscribers to my email list!

You heard me right: 197 followers and 400 email subscribers from one of my Instagram Superposts™ alone!

You can see the Instagram insights on the post below:

Instagram Superposts Insights
This is what Instagram Superposts™ Can Do For Your Business

You may have noticed, this post wasn’t a pretty photo. It was a very simple image that showed right away to fast scrollers that they needed to stop and read about this.

Since I knew this would be one of my Superposts™, instead of just giving all the info in the captions, I said I would share more on my next newsletter, with a call to action to subscribe on the link in bio

—where they found the direct link to sign up, not the home of my website where they would need to look for it, or a link tree where they could decide to click on something else once they got there.

That’s what we call strategy.

pat in the back.gif

Let’s recap: one Instagram post, 197 new followers and around 400 new subscribers.

That was roughly a 15% growth for my one-girl business email list at the time, which translates directly into 7,5 to 15% growth in my sales. One post!

And while this is not a common result to all my Instagram Superposts™, it's also not a one-time fluke.  In this post I used the same strategy and gained another 71 followers and 145 subscribers. 

That's 268 followers and 545 subscribers from two Instagram posts.

And that’s ladies and gentlemen, why Instagram - and my Superposts™ strategy- can change your business.

If you want to learn how to create Superposts™ like these, check out our course Organic Engagement Pro.

learn how to create Superposts




How to Create Fun Stickers with Your Own Videos and GIFs


How to Make People Read Your Instagram Captions