Everyone Loses Followers on Instagram - Here's Why It's a Good Thing

Okay, let's talk about the elephant in the feed 🐘

TRUST ME: Everyone loses followers! You’re not alone.

Losing Followers on Instagram

Here's what those unfollows mean:

👉Instagram may be cleaning up bot accounts (and some of those follow you)
👉People change interests/jobs/cities/habits and your account no longer fits
👉People are following you to get a follow back, and then unfollowing
👉You haven't changed your strategy in a while and your content is dated in which case, I can help!

Note that it's good to lose followers, because disengaged followers do more harm than good to your account. Having low engagement sends signals to the algorithm that your content isn’t relevant, and while people who engage with you very often will still see your content, you may be reaching less people in general.

Plus more and more brands and influencers are looking at high engagement as a criteria to decide whether to partner with another account (as they should!).

So if you think you’re losing too many followers, relax. You’re probably not. I lose around 100-200 per week. Yes, that is 400-800 per month (see screenshot of my insights from this week). The trick is to be able to gain new followers at a higher speed, which I do.

Audience analytics for Instagram

If you need help doing that, check out our Accelerator program here. Would love to have you!




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