How to Make People Read Your Instagram Captions

Does this happen to you?

You spend more time than you'd like to admit writing the perfect Instagram caption.

A few nice and long paragraphs that add value, select your emojis, your best hashtags, but when it's time for your audience to read it, they go like...

How to Make People Read your Instagram Captions


So frustrating, right?

Especially if you think that if people don't read your posts, they will not see the value of your content or be able to take your call to action. After all, photos get likes, but it's the caption that gets sales.

But the first step to fix this is to understand where it usually goes wrong.

So here are a few of the most common things that make your audience disengage before they read your caption:

1. Your first sentence didn't give them a strong reason to click the 'more' button

Although you can write long Instagram posts, up to 2,200 characters, you only have 125 before the 'more' button.

That means these 125 characters need to be used wisely, pretty much like a subject line of a newsletter.  

2. Your caption was visually busy and cluttered

When it comes to Instagram, we are very limited on the visuals of our captions. Even line breaks can be challenging. Because of that it's very important you use all the tools you have handy to make your caption easy to look at.

Add line breaks, all caps (only in a word or two, or it sounds like you're yelling haha) and emojis strategically to make your captions easy on the eyes. Make sure you separate your list of hashtags from your caption with line breaks or dots. 

3. Your message was too complex

Forget what people tell you: you do not have to start every post with a long story and a life lesson.

When you want your audience to take action, you need to be laser focussed, clear, avoid long sentences and backstories, give a simple call to action.

 If you need more guidance to improve your captions, check out our online training Caption Copy That Engages.




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