The Most Important Part of Your Instagram Caption

The other day I made a test. Okay, I did want to play with you guys, but mostly I wanted to make a point.

I did this post here.

The Most Important Part of Your Instagram Caption
The Most Important Part of Your Instagram Caption analytics

Except when when it says “more”, it was just me writing it and not the more button from Instagram (the real more button from Instagram is a lighter grey, by the way).

From the 100s of comments I got (a lot more than my average of 20 per post), most of them said something like this:

“Ashamed at the number of times I tapped more...”

“Lmao can’t stand how many times I clicked more 🤣😂”

“I'm ashamed at how many times I clicked it 🙃”

The reason why they were trying to click nonstop is because I showed in the first sentence of my caption that they really needed to read the rest.

That’s my secret to making people read your whole Instagram caption (and not just the first sentence and then scrolling away).

Treat the first sentence of your Instagram caption as if it was the subject line of your newsletter.

If the first sentence of your Instagram caption isn’t enough to make people want to know more, there’s no point on even working on the rest of it.

There’s a “more” button after 125 characters of your Instagram caption. Spaces count too, by the way. So if you write hello and skip a line or two, that’s all people will see in the preview when they are scrolling.

As we know we have a sea of content waiting to be looked at in our feeds. People will not stop for an intro that doesn’t make a point right off the bat.

So take the time to stop and look at how you’ve been writing your captions. Are you starting strong?

If not, tweak them to tell people right away why they need to rush and click click click that more button.

Hopefully yours won’t be a fake button like mine and they will read all the way to your call to action and take the action you want them to take!



Founder of Your Social Team

PS: if you want to learn how to ace your Instagram captions every time, check out our online training, Caption Copy That Engages.


How to Make People Read Your Instagram Captions


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