How to Use Threads (Instagram's New App) As a Small Business Owner

So let the billionaires fight… DING! DING! DING!

As you may have noticed Mark Zuckerberg just expanded his Meta empire, and created a very Twitter-like app called “Threads. It was set to release on July 7th, but he opened the app to over 100 countries for both iOS and Android users and had around 30 million users in the first 24 hours.

And Elon might just be shaking in his boots with this amount of competition that threatens the platform he purchased less than a year ago. 

But as a small business owner, this app could have more impact on your overall social media strategy than you think… we predict that this app won’t just be a fad like Clubhouse, Lemon8, or BeReal. Threads actually has some legs to stand on.

So here are the thinks you need to know about how to incorporate this new platform into your social media ecosystem and strategy as a small business owner:

“Should I Join Threads Right Now?

Our opinion… YES! ABSOLUTELY! You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you sign up for Threads right now. Normally we like to promote taking your time and not overwhelming yourself with yet ANOTHER social media app, this one is a little bit different. And here is why:

  • It's very quick to set up. You can download the app and connect via your Instagram account and it will even pull up your bio and image from Instagram, so you can be up and running in minutes

  • It's very hot right now. It has reached over 30 million accounts in less than a day and your audience is most likely there a lot right now. So it would be beneficial to get started and be top of mind.

  • It's very easy to use. There's no learning curve because it's a simpler version of Twitter. Post your text-driven content, add photos/videos if you want to (our templates work like a charm there too!). and BIG PLUS, we can add clickable links to each post, just like Twitter.

The integration and seamless process makes this platform super easy to dive into right away without overwhelming you. And there is NO pressure to post right away, to post “perfect” content, whereas you can focus on just having conversations with people in your community. 

“How Do I Grow My Audience on Threads?”

So this - this is a huge component of WHY we think you should jump on this platform right away, and what makes Threads so different from other social media platforms out there. When someone creates a Threads account they have the ability to follow all the same accounts they currently follow on Instagram.

AND THIS IS HUGE! You essentially get to take your Instagram community with you over to Threads.

Many people are taking advantage of this feature when they first sign up on Threads, so a good chunk of your followers are coming to you without needing to worry about discoverability and brand awareness on a new app. People are already following you on Instagram - so they are likely to do the same on Threads, so you aren’t starting from ZERO. 


PLUS, by joining as an early adopter to the platform it can potentially give you an advantage to be found and followed before it gets to billions like Instagram now.

“Is Threads Connected to My Instagram Account?”

Yes it is, and here is a message from Mosseri himself....

Your Social Team - How to Use Instagram's New App Threads As a Small Business Owner - social media tips and coaching

So you CAN deactivate your Threads account, set your profile to private, and delete individual posts WITHOUT it affecting your Instagram account. But since the app is powered by Instagram, they are currently looking into a way to allow you to delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram account.

When you have a public profile on Threads it can also show up on your Instagram account. And we see this as an advantage to help you grow your Threads account. You will see a number at the top of your Instagram profile that will lead people directly to your Threads account, and you are also able to easily share your Threads content onto Instagram Stories and in the feed.

Basically, these two platforms work seamlessly together, and it is one of the things that makes it so unique!

“What Should I Post on Threads?

You don’t HAVE to post anything. We recommend that you play around and experiment with different posting types, but you don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. This platform is more about conversations, and you will want to engage with your community just as much as you post… PLUS SOME!

But to help get you started, here are 3 ideas or prompts that you can try when you first open your Threads account:

  • “Okay, just got here… What did I miss?” or some other type of funny or sassy introduction to the platform

  • Introduce yourself and your business and encourage people to do the same below

  • “Friendly Reminder: [insert a hot take in your niche.”

While this is a text-based content creation app, you can attach photos, videos, and links, and you have up to 500 characters to deliver your message!

PRO TIP: while most people are using text based posts only, eye-catching photos, videos and graphics that reinforce what you will say will help you stand out. Our templates look great on Threads too. So if you have them already, don't be shy to use them.

“How Many Times Should I Post on Threads Each Day?”

Short answer: It depends. It depends on a lot of things, and we don’t have a “strategic” answer right now.


Long answer: You need to understand that while this is a fun app, it is a TIME-CONSUMING app. Of course you can’t schedule or automate any portion of content creation for this app yet, so you can’t optimize your time on the platform just yet. Plus the nature of this app is to be engaged in conversations. And those conversations take time. 

You can go on and intentionally scroll, like, or repost for 5 minutes a day. Or you can go in heavy and create, comment, and converse for an hour at a time. The choice is up to you, but don’t feel like you have to show up for a certain amount of time or post a certain amount of content right now. It is all very new and it might feel overwhelming. 

Just keep in mind that you shouldn't put a ton of time into Threads and forget the other more important areas of your business and your life.




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Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


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