How to Repurpose Your Instagram Content To Save Time When Creating Content

We know the struggle of juggling a million tasks while trying to create fresh and engaging content for social media platforms like Instagram. Well, fret no more! We're going to spill the beans on a little secret that will revolutionize your content creation game: repurposing your older, high-performing Instagram content. 

Get ready to save time, boost efficiency, and still captivate your audience!

Understanding the Power of Repurposing Your Instagram Content

Let's talk about the magic of repurposing. Imagine taking a successful Instagram post that received tons of likes, comments, and shares, and transforming it into various formats - or honestly, just reposting it!

It's like giving your content a new lease on life! You spent SO much time creating content that it needs to work harder for you. By repurposing, you can maintain consistency, engage your audience, and put that creative energy to better use elsewhere.

But there is a way of repurposing your content strategically, so it doesn’t feel stagnant or boring! We are going to tap into older high-performing posts!

Identifying High-Performing Instagram Content

First things first, you need to identify your Instagram content champions. Dive into your analytics, embrace those insights, and pinpoint the posts that truly resonated with your audience. 

Look for things like coveted likes, comments, shares, saves, and don't forget to consider reach and impressions. These metrics will guide you toward the content that struck a chord with your followers and should be prime candidates for repurposing.


Our Repurposing Strategies and Technique

Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of repurposing. We've got some ingenious techniques up our sleeves to help you make the most of your top-performing content:

Reposting the SAME Content Every Few Months

This is honestly one of the quickest and easiest ways to not only repurpose your content, but get a nice little boost in engagement - is simply reposting the SAME exact content every few months. Your first thought might be: “but my audience will notice, and get bored over seeing the same thing over and over again!” 

And that is the furthest thing from the truth! Think about it this way, even though you might repost a top performing piece of content, it is VERY likely that only a fraction of your audience saw it the first time. So post it again for more people to see it. Those that DID see it before probably won’t notice or care. Plus - you may have gained a ton of new followers in your audience since the last time you posted it, and they haven’t had a chance to see it at all!

This is a post that we like to repost every few months that not only aligns with our overall brand messaging, it is evergreen (meaning it is not a timely piece of content like a trend, and we can post forever), and it always performs really well!!


Changing the Post Format

When you have a post that performs well, sometimes it’s because it was a great trend you jumped on, or the visuals were really striking, but sometimes its the message or the information that you are presenting. And the best way to tap into making that work harder for you… reposting it in a different format on Instagram!

  • If you had a high performing Reel tutorial… use that information to create a written carousel.

  • If you had a high performing feed post with a quote… speak that quote out in a Reel and create an original audio (that has the potential to also go viral)

  • If you had an engaging Story that got you a ton of DMs… turn it into a feed post, and talk about the topic more in the caption.

Or if you are like us, you might have a comment go viral (yes, a comment, it got THOUSANDS of likes on someone else’s posts), and you transform that message into engaging content to post on Instagram. This message is so powerful and resonates so well with our audience, that we have created it in MULTIPLE different formats!


Use the Same Visual With New Information

Sometimes your audience LOVES the way a post looks. They find it easy to look at, easy to consume, and maybe it becomes a part of your brand and the way you present information on Instagram as a platform. So lean into it to make content creation easier.

No matter what our messaging is, we can continuously use the same visuals and Canva templates, and we almost always know that they are going to perform well! This particular Reel Tweet style works really well for us, despite what the text says!


And if you want some help with the visuals that help boost engagement and make content creation easier, you can check out some of our most popular Canva templates that we use (and re-use) in our own content all the time!

You've just unlocked a content creation superpower! By repurposing your high-performing Instagram content, you can save time, streamline your efforts, and still create captivating posts.

Remember to analyze performance, adapt your content based on changes on the platform, and inject some fresh elements to keep it exciting. So, go forth, repurpose with gusto, and watch your small business conquer the social media world!



Want to grow your Instagram account?

If you're trying to grow your Instagram account with a content strategy, you're most likely not seeing many results. You need a content strategy and a growth strategy that are both possible for you to execute with your bandwidth.

In this class, we will define what each of them are and how to create both for your business. Includes a bonus Growth Strategy Planner!


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


How to Create Barbie-Inspired Social Media Content (Free Canva Templates for Reels)


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