How to Create Barbie-Inspired Social Media Content (Free Canva Templates for Reels)

Come on Barbie, let's go create content 🎶


The official Barbie The Movie premiere has taken the internet up a storm. The Barbiecore trend is everywhere and everything Barbie-inspired is hot right now, on social media and out.


So here are 3 ideas of Barbie-Inspired Content you can create and post quickly on Instagram:


1) Barbie Inspired Reel Meme

Honestly when I first saw the Barbie The Movie meme art with that sunburst in glitter, I thought maybe one of the designers at Mattel had seen our templates before... because it looks so much like the first templates we ever released at Your Template Club, over 2 years ago!




So nothing better than using these exact templates to create Barbie-Inspired Reels!

I created these super cute and eye-catching Reels templates made in Canva and they even come with a short demo video showing you exactly how to customize it with your own cut out video, all in Canva in minutes—even if you’re a Canva beginner!

Here's how I created mine in minutes:

  • picked a templates I liked, changed the colors (if you want to change the glitter background you need to search in photos in Canva, but I already created several different colors and I’m pretty sure you will find one you just love for your brand!)

  • Changed the text to say "This Barbie" and the quote I wanted my audience to know

  • Deleted the stock video of the woman and added a short clip of myself I had in my camera roll and removed the background of my video (our video will show you how!)

  • Adjusted elements positions and downloaded as a mp4! 


This is the final result, the Reels I created in minutes for Your Social Team and Your Template Club accounts in different styles…

Here's how I created mine in minutes:

  • picked a templates I liked, changed the colors (for the glitter background you need to search in photos in Canva)

  • Changed the text to say "This Barbie" and the quote I wanted my audience to know

  • Deleted the GIF and added a short clip of myself I had in my camera roll and removed the background

  • Adjusted elements positions and downloaded as a mp4!

—> Get these FREE templates here



2) "This Barbie" Tweet-style feed post


This one is very simple and doesn't need to have Barbie colors and style.

Just pick a piece of advice that did really well in your content before and reuse with "This Barbie" in the beginning.




--> Get these Pretty Tweet Templates in our template shop here



3) Barbie-Inspired List-Style post


List-style posts are always great to give lots of information to your audience, effectively.

You can use this to introduce yourself (always great for a Friday post!) or even tell your audience what you offer.


Here's one of I created for my account...


How I created mine in minutes:

  • Replaced the original photo with a photo of myself (bonus points if you have a colorful or Barbie-like photo, but any will do).

  • Replaced the handle text on top with "This Barbie can help you with..."

  • Changed colors of the bubbles (which you can do with your own brand colors, even if they are not Barbie-like).

  • Downloaded as a .png! 


--> Get this pack of templates in our shop here

Need the perfect audio for your Barbie Reel?

Get it in my Reel below…

With these ideas and templates you can jump into the Barbie hype without using images off the internet and getting into a copyright grey area.





Want to create Instagram Reels Even Faster?

Save time and energy with these Canva templates that are designed to increase your engagement on Instagram!! 


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


Your List of Alphabet Content Ideas


How to Repurpose Your Instagram Content To Save Time When Creating Content