Sales Prediction Calculator: How to Predict Sales for Your Small Business


If you're not creating full sales campaigns on Instagram and email for your organic audience, you may be missing out.

But don't worry, I want to walk you through the process of creating a sales campaign and I have a sales prediction calculator that can help you assess potential revenue.

I want to dive deep into this sales strategy and how a simple tool like a sales prediction calculator can radically change your approach to selling online and significantly boost your revenue. Trust me, this could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for!

Let’s cut to the chase: predicting sales isn't just smart; it's essential for scaling your business and your revenue. Imagine knowing the possible outcomes of your efforts—whether you're offering a digital product, a mid-ticket bundle, or a high-ticket item—before spending a dime or a minute on marketing. Insane right?!

But before we dive into the sales prediction calculator and how you can use it as a part of your sales strategy in your small business, we have to dive into some things you need to know about selling online and a few scenarios for you:

Scenario #1: Creating a Low Ticket Digital Offer

Many people are told by big gurus and experts to create a digital product to generate passive income. However, what's the reality of that passive income? Let’s say you have 8,000 Instagram followers and 2,000 people on your email list. You're selling something that costs $27.

You go ahead and calculate your sales using our sales calculator and sales strategy...

By running an Instagram and email campaign, you can see that your revenue might range from 40 sales to 80 sales, amounting to $1,080 to $2,160. While it might not be life-changing money, an extra thousand in the bank is nothing to sneeze at, and it's a great way to test the waters with your audience.

Scenario #2: Creating a Mid-Ticket Offer

So, what is the answer here? This is where our calculator shines because it allows you to plan your sales and your offers strategically.

Suppose you decide to bundle your digital product with a one-on-one strategy call, thus increasing its value. By recalculating your sales with this new bundle, your potential earnings can skyrocket to between $9,080 to $18,160.

Although your sales numbers remain unchanged, the increased price per sale has a significant impact. Granted, it's often easier to sell a $27 offer than a $227 one, which is why the calculator provides a range for you to work within.

Scenario #3: Creating a High-Ticket Offer

Now, let’s talk big game—high-ticket offers. If you think going bigger on price means harder sells, you’re right, but only to an extent. For products under $250, the sales range surprisingly remains stable. But as you inch towards the $400 or even $1000 mark, a recalibration is necessary. This is where the sales prediction calculator becomes invaluable.

Remember with the calculator if you have an offer between $200-1,000, divide the predicted numbers by 2. For offers higher than $1,000, divide by 2 again every $2,500 or have the "good" be your best predicted number.

The 8-Day Campaign: Your Sales Strategy in a "Box"

As you plan what you're going to sell and its impact on your business, make sure to test different scenarios using our sales prediction calculator. Many of us assume it's easier to sell than it actually is, but remember that sales is a numbers game. It helps you gauge how to price your offers while still maintaining realistic sales expectations. Remember, it's not just about selling; it's about selling smart.

If all this talk about numbers and strategies has your head spinning, don’t worry. There’s an even simpler way to put this into practice. Enter The 8-Day Campaign®. This is a done-for-you launch campaign strategy with social and email templates to help you sell even more in your online business... and it goes hand in hand with our sales prediction calculator!

This tool comes loaded with everything you need to create, launch, and repeat successful sales campaigns throughout the year. It’s what I use about ten times a year, and it has never let me down in boosting my revenue.

Sell On Instagram Without The Fear Of Being ‘Salesy’


Our Signature System The 8-Day Campaign® Includes All The Canva Templates And Captions You Need For Your Campaign On Social And The Email Sequence For You To Fill The Blanks And Start Selling!

Understanding Sales Predictions and Sales Strategy

Leveraging a sales prediction calculator isn’t just about seeing numbers; it’s about understanding potential sales and making informed decisions that align with your business goals. By testing different price points and campaign strategies, you’re not just hoping for the best. You’re planning for success.

So, before you dive into your next campaign, make a stop at the sales prediction calculator. Plug in your numbers, tweak a few scenarios, and see which strategy maximizes your revenue. It’s time to stop guessing and start earning with precision.


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


Guide: How to Get Started with Email Marketing in Your Small Business