Guide: How to Get Started with Email Marketing in Your Small Business


Welcome to your go-to guide for navigating the wild world of marketing beyond the often chaotic realm of social media! I’m here to dish out some insider secrets on why email marketing isn’t just an option—it’s an absolute must for any small business looking to thrive.

Let’s face it, with all the drama like TikTok bans and those pesky social media bugs, it’s about time you tapped into the stable and personal world of email marketing.

Complete Ownership and Control of Your Audience

The glaring advantage of email over social media is the ownership of your contact list. Unlike social platforms where your follower count could drop overnight due to policy changes or technical issues, an email list is yours alone. This list can go with your from email marketing platform to email marketing platform while YOU maintain control.

In email marketing, you're not subject to the whims of platform algorithms. Your message reaches your audience directly, ensuring that your communications are seen by your subscribers in their inboxes, exactly when intended.

Sudden Instagram glitches have made me realize the vulnerability of relying solely on social media platforms to market my small business. Even with my following being well over 100k people across platforms, I could lose them all in an instant.

Guaranteed Visibility and Higher Engagement

With email, your gems—ahem, I mean messages—go straight to your audiences' inbox, untouched by those annoying algorithms that you deal with on platforms like Instagram or TikTok. This direct line means your audience actually sees what you send them.

And when you keep showing up in their inbox, you build a reliable communication channel that keeps subscribers tuned in to your updates and ready to hear more about your offers. Keep those emails coming, and watch as your open rates—and maybe even your sales—start to climb.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget to back up your email list monthly. It’s like insurance for your contacts! This monthly routine safe guards my most valuable business and sales asset despite tech glitches and platform meltdowns.

Superior Conversion Potential on Your Offers

Emails inherently commands undivided attention unlike the distracted environment of social media. This focused environment means better chances for your messages to turn into sales.

In my own business, despite having fewer email subscribers than Instagram followers, our email campaigns consistently generate double the sales. Why? Because emails cut through the noise and people aren't as distracted when reading emails... they are tuned in and focused on exactly what's in front of them.

Including clear calls-to-action and visually appealing elements in emails can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. Trust me, it works—my campaigns are living proof that emails can outdo social media posts any day when it comes to return on investment.

How to Get Started With Email Marketing

Let's break down a few steps that you need to take to get started with email marketing in your small business

  1. Choosing the Right Platform: Newbies, I recommend Flodesk. It’s super user-friendly and loaded with gorgeous templates that make getting starting a breeze.

  2. Creating Effective Lead Magnets: Turn your hottest social media posts into irresistible lead magnets. That popular carousel? Now it’s a downloadable guide or a bite-sized course tempting new subscribers to sign up.

  3. Crafting Your First Emails: Begin with a warm welcome email that introduces folks to your brand. Follow up with regular emails packed with goodies that educate, entertain, or solve problems.

Take the Leap into Email Marketing

Diving into email marketing not only secures your audience but amps up your engagement and sales game too. Broaden your marketing horizons beyond social media’s unpredictability, and watch your business’s stability and profits soar.

Here’s to making your marketing smarter, not harder. Let’s do this!

This blog post does contain affiliate links. Should you make a purchase I will earn a small commission. 


Want to get Started with email marketing?


And because I love helping you get ahead, snag a 50% discount on your first year with Flodesk by using my link. Start your trial and unleash the power of direct engagement—no algorithmic hoops to jump through!


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


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