Guide: How to Run an End of Year Sales Campaign on Social Media to Boost Sales

Yeah it is THAT time of year. Sales emails hitting your inbox… 30% off furniture, 78 inch flat screens for $297, and BOGO at your favorite shoe store. Oh and companies endlessly talking about their sales on social media.

But we don’t want the holiday and sales campaigns to overwhelm you… we want you, as a small business owner, to actually take advantage of this time of year. 

You deserve to sell just as much as those department stores. So let’s get sales-y.

It is now prime time for sales campaigns! Running a strategic end-of-year promotion on social media is a great way to increase revenue going into the new year. 

But where do you start? 

What platforms should you use? 

And how do you create an offer that converts?

Don’t worry, we will cover that!

“Should I try and sell something on Black Friday for my small business?”

Yes and no.  Yes…  we want you to promote some (or all of your offers) during this selling season. But no… we don’t want you to JUST talk about it on Black Friday. We want you to talk about it for at least a week. We use our signature sales system The 8-Day Campaign® to achieve this. But let’s dive in a bit deeper! 


For end of year selling, Black Friday is an easy one. Most people expect all of us to have Black Friday offers and some may be waiting for this opportunity to buy from you. Now, before you completely dismiss it because you don't want to discount your offers, let me tell you that you don't need to!


Black Friday Campaign Ideas… that don’t require you to discount your offers

Black Friday is a great time to promote a limited offer to get an extra cash injection in our business before the holidays, test out a new offer or even just offer a special one of a kind offer. Here are some ideas of things you could offer this Black Friday that don’t require you to discount your current offerings:

  • limited amount of 1:1 sessions that you don't offer otherwise

  • limited amount of 30-minute consulting calls at a super reasonable price, not only to make extra but also to give new potential clients a taste of working with you

  • Social media, website, Tech Tools, Podcasts, Blog or SEO audits 

  • A mystery sale where people buy one product and don't know what they will get (fun way to sell of products you just have a few of left)

  • Lifetime access to memberships

  • A new super low ticket digital offer to grow your email list with already paying customers 

  • Bundles of your existing physical or digital products

  • Bring in an offer you no longer offer and sell it for a limited time  

And if you do have an online shop, a simple campaign where people get your best discount of the year is always a good idea.


Mindset Shifts for Running a Black Friday Campaign

You may have noticed engagement on social media is down right now. This is SUPER normal and starts happening (at least here in the U.S.) as we start approaching Halloween and lasts on and off until the new year.


While this may seem discouraging for anyone about to run a campaign, know that some extra revenue is better than no extra revenue. 

We are going to give away some of our very own business insights… we just wrapped an 8-Day Campaign to sell The 8-Day Campaign.

We got 30% less sales than our last one in March and that's not surprising nor is it a huge bummer. We are thrilled with the results. So it’s important that you go in with a similar mindset!

Here is the thing you have to remember every sales campaign you run, it makes you more confident and prepared for the next one. We run about eight to ten 8-Day Campaigns per year for the business and we are positive this is the biggest reason why we have seen significant growth in the business!

How to Promote Evergreen Offers during a Sales Campaign

You know those offers you always have available… like your 1:1 coaching, your low-ticket digital download, or your membership… you can still create a sales campaign even if your doors don’t close, or you don’t offer a discount. 

You can totally create a sense of urgency with your evergreen, always available for purchase products! You can create alternative incentives to buy when promoting existing offers during a campaign… or even on Black Friday especially if you don’t want to discount your offers!

Alternative Sales Campaign Incentive Ideas

  • a bonus that expires by the date the campaign ends (do this in addition to the Early Bird Bonus, this is a strategy we teach inside of The 8-Day Campaign®

  • a price INCREASE… we have had a LOT of success running campaigns to get people to buy something before a price increase

  • a short 1:1 call with the purchase of digital offers by the deadline (usually better for smaller audiences or high ticket offers, so you don't end up with more 1:1 calls than you can handle)

  • a free audit with purchase (good for services in social media, website, podcast, etc)

  • a gift with purchase

  • buy one get one

  • a small done for you digital goodie

  • a group coaching session (this will help people use what they bought from you more effectively, which is a win-win)

Predict Your Sales for Black Friday Using our Prediction Calculator

Before we get to the money talk... we want to tell you a secret: if you feel icky about selling it's probably because you haven't seen enough sales rolling in yet. When you do, it will stop being cringy and start being exciting!

Believe us we have been there!! 

Now, let’s see what you can do with YOUR numbers when you use our signature sales system The 8-Day Campaign® and all you have to do is input your numbers below and we will give you a prediction for how much money you could potentially make with our process!!

Sales Prediction Calculator

Sales Prediction Calculator

IG Campaign Only

Sales Revenue

IG + Email Campaign

Sales Revenue


*We created this calculator based on results dozens of small businesses have had while following The 8-Day Campaign® system since 2019. Results may not be typical and aren’t guaranteed.

**Results shown are based on offers under $200 dollars. For offers between $200-1,000, divide the predicted numbers by 2. For offers higher than $1,000, divide by 2 again every $2,500 or have the "good" be your best predicted number.

Now go on and create a campaign to end 2023 with a bang!!




Our signature system includes all the Canva templates and captions you need for your Campaign on social and the email sequence for you to fill the blanks and start selling!!


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


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