4 Reels Ideas You Can Create to Auto-publish with Original Audio

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So you want to create Reels for your brand but you…

… don’t have the time to create them every single day.

… don’t have the energy to come up with enough ideas.

… don’t know how to save time when creating short form content.

Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered!

The key is to prioritize creating Reels that you can auto-publish through a scheduling platform. 


You can upload your video content into certain software or platforms, add in your caption and hashtags, and then set it to publish FOR YOU at a specific time or date in the future. So no more worrying about having to manually create a post in Instagram every single day! 

This will help save you time and energy and will allow you to batch create your social media content so you can get back to running your business!

Our favorite tool is Later, but there are so many other social media scheduling tools that will allow you to auto-publish your Reels.

In order to do that you have to create original content that doesn’t require any trending sounds, music, or any other Instagram specific features. These platforms won’t allow you to tap into all of Instagram’s features, so you have to create a video that features your face or you talking.

And while that may seem a bit scary… we have a few ideas for you!!

Create Educational Reels from High Performing Instagram Content

Educational content is some of the most impactful content you can create on Instagram as a small business owner. Think of educational content like lists, tips and tricks, hacks, or just leaving your audience with an insightful or new piece of information.

Now - here is where the power of this content comes into play when creating Reels. Head to your insights to find feed posts and carousels that you have ALREADY CREATED. Sort by saves, likes, or shares and view the top performing pieces of content!

Let’s dive into an example with the post above! This is one of our most recent high performing carousels that educates our audience with 5 things they didn’t know Canva could do. This generated a ton of likes, saves, shares, and comments!

We could easily turn this into an Instagram Reel with the following script:

  • HOOK: “Here are 5 things you didn’t know you could do in Canva,” (talking directly to the camera)

  • TIPS: (turn around the camera, and show off these features on Canva desktop)

    • “Number One: write copy with AI technology using the new magic write tool inside of Canva docs. Use this for blog post outlines, Instagram captions, and so much more”

    • “Number Two: create a QR code without having to access another website! Simply click on the QR tool, input your URL, and generate a QR code to put into your design”

    • You get the picture… you would do this for all of the tips in the carousel

  • CALL TO ACTION: Follow us for more Canva tips (talking directly to the camera)

And there you have it!! A video you can then add into your favorite social media scheduling tool to post over and over again! PRO TIP: You can even schedule this post to auto-publish once a quarter to continue to educate new members in your audience!

Deliver an Empowering Message with Stock Videos and Text

You can easily create empowering messages without having to show your face in the video! First start off with something your audience will find empowering… think of friendly reminders, or your favorite quotes, and something that aligns with your business.

Then you can actually use Canva templates like THIS or THIS, stock videos, and/or text to create the visual element! You can either use royalty free in Canva or another website to add to the visual component. OR you can quickly record a voice over of you reading what is on the screen or something that correlates to the message. 

These work really well because they are an evergreen piece of content (meaning you can use over and over again) and your audience can really resonate with something you want them to know or learn from.

Captivate your Audience with a Funny or Sassy Audio

Here is where you can spice things up, get a little controversial, and post some content that might ruffle a few feathers if that fits in with your content strategy and brand messaging. The best approach for this is to create a Reel that will target a very niche topic that your audience will resonate with.

The key thing to remember here is to poke fun at a pain point, an industry argument, an unpopular opinion, or something that won’t get you canceled.

BONUS: If you do a voiceover, make it funny or sassy enough that other people might want to use it for their own videos!

Create an Original Audio with a Useful Approach

This is one of our favorite types of Reels content to create - there are just so many benefits!! Higher engagement. Greater reach. And the potential to go viral!! Yes - it happened to us! Check out the video below.

Basically you want to create some type of visual (it can be an image, a stock video, a video you you looking at the camera, old B-roll footage, literally anything!!) and create a plain voiceover. Meaning you want to talk as clearly as possible with no additional noise in the background. 

You want to create the sound that is generic enough for other people to use:

  • Create an audio of you counting down or up to something

  • Create an audio of you making a generic compliment

  • Create an audio of you commenting about a particular situation

  • Create an audio that is funny that applies to a lot of people

The possibilities are truly endless here!! But the goal with this type of content is reach and virality! You can always tie in your specific message with the visual component by adding text on the screen. This type of content might seem difficult to create initially, but it just takes a bit of creativity!

And if you need some inspiration… we have a full guide of them on Instagram!!

Now if you feel stuck on how to create Instagram Reels that you can easily autopublish, we have a starting point for you… and of course, it involves Canva!! Save time and energy with these Canva templates that are designed to increase your engagement on Instagram!!



Want to create Instagram Reels Even Faster?

Save time and energy with these Canva templates that are designed to increase your engagement on Instagram!! 


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content shop to help social media managers and Instagram savvy women entrepreneurs to beat the algorithm and grow their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). 

This year she also launched Your Template Club, a Canva Template subscription to provide social media managers and Instagram savvy business owners with content templates designed for engagement in their inbox.

Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2017, Manu started Your Social Team with the mission of helping women entrepreneurs and social media managers grow engagement and sales through Instagram without the overwhelm.


How to Create Original Content that You and Your Audience Will Love


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