Social Media Spring Cleaning Checklist

Guest post by Laura Bitoiu from B Squared Social

I’ll admit it: I love spring cleaning. There’s just something about clearing out the old to make way for the fresh and new that feels inspiring. 


And the truth is our social accounts can get just as cluttered and dusty as our closets. Spring cleaning your social media is every bit as satisfying as dusting the ceiling fan – but way less messy! 


Social Media Spring Cleaning Checklist

Here are our favorite tips to get your social media shining like new! 


  • Profile pic: Does yours need an update? Do you have new headshots to add? We love to keep it simple with a headshot over a plain coloured background and you can easily make this in Canva! To avoid confusing your audience, we don’t recommend updating your profile pic too often, but it’s a nice way to breathe new life into your profile!


  • Title/name: Is your title still aligned with your offerings and niche? Are you using the best and most relevant keywords? If you haven’t revisited this in awhile, take a look and see if it could use some freshening up. 


  • Bio: Make sure your bio is clear and simple, covering who you work with and how you help them! Include results / social proof/ expertise to position yourself as the expert. And don’t forget to add a call to action, whether it’s grabbing your freebie, booking a call, or shopping your new products.


  • Highlights: Go through and delete anything old / irrelevant. Now is the perfect time to update your cover images for a fresh look. Canva has a ton of super cute and customizable options for this!


  • Content: Hop into your insights and take a look at how things have been performing for the last 3-6 months. If your results are a little lackluster, it’s time to change things up and try different ways to deliver content to your audience.  Try to go on a Instagram Live Room with a peer, post a different style of Reel, or ad some animated posts into the mix.

  • Following: Take a quick look and see if you want to clean up who you follow. First and foremost you should unfollow any accounts that make you feel overwhelmed, unworthy, or make you want to compare yourself. After that look to see if there are accounts that you no longer feel connected with or whose content might not be relevant? Don't spend a ton of time on this, but it's good to be mindful and intentional with who you see on your newsfeed! Remember that the less things in your scroll, the less time you spend on the app and the more time you have for yourself, to be productive in other areas of your business and to reinforce your personal boundaries between your business and life.

Other news you can use this week:

  • One of our favorite tools for scroll-stopping Instagram posts is getting a major upgrade! Your Template Club – Your Social Team’s Canva template subscription – opens to new members March 28 and this time it’s ALL ACCESS. That means you get a brand new set of customizable templates every other week but you ALSO get access to every Canva template for Instagram they’ve created – that’s over 1000 templates! Be sure to check it out for the first dibs and the best deal to join the Club.


  • I love sharing the most trusted tools I use to run my business and Honeybook is one of my absolute favorites! It’s a client relationship management tool that has you covered from the first moment of interest to proposals, invoices, contracts and more. If you’ve been searching for the perfect CRM tool, this is it! 

Til next time, I’ll see you over on Instagram! I am working on my own Instagram spring cleaning.

To springtime! 



PS This email contains affiliate links. This means when you use my link to buy, I get a small percentage of the proceeds at no additional cost to you. As you know, I only recommend tools I truly love and these are no exception! 

Photo credit provided by B Squared Social

Laura Bitoiu is an Instagram Reels expert who launched her social media marketing agency in 2018 after experiencing the power of social media marketing for the restaurant she was managing.

While managing the restaurant, she had taken on their branding, web design, and social media presence in order to grow the business. She would come in on her day off to stage photo shoots, work on the website, and plan out content for the different social media platforms.

Seeing the positive impact that these services had on the restaurant was inspiring—

She would track web traffic religiously, and was always delighted to see customers ordering their meals directly from photos on their Instagram feed!

Watching my efforts pay off for the restaurant was incredibly motivating and it inspired her to work with other small businesses on their digital footprint.

Since then, she has worked with over 75 businesses and 400 students to grow their presence on Instagram through our unique, proven methods.



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